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Win Son Brooklyn

Recently three catering professional from New York came to visit us. We were in contact with one of the restaurant owners, he has a Taiwanese background. We previously came into contact to discuss and exchange views and knowledge about soy sauce making processes with his business partners. They run a restaurant in Brooklyn, New York, named Win Son. Their expertise is in Westernized Taiwanese cuisine, using Taiwanese cuisine flavor as a base, then fusing it with western cuisine techniques. They present a popular new style of creative cuisine. He traveled with his two chefs who have never visited Taiwan, in order to experience the authentic flavors of Taiwan. They visited us on the last day of their trip and learned to bake polo bread and pineapple cake. Those two kinds of sweets are deeply loved by locals. We thank them for sharing the experience of promoting Taiwanese food in New York with us. Hopefully we will visit their restaurant and taste their delicious dishes in the near future.

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