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Our first student from China

We are happy to get our first student from China. As our cuisine is similar with Chinese cuisine, we were not expecting to attract many Chinese tourists to join our class. We are glad we were wrong on this occasion.

This down to earth gentleman comes from Southern China and has already been to Taiwan 4-5 times. He told us what he likes mostly about Taiwan is the atmosphere, he felt comfortable with people here each time when he visited.

He shared lots of current situations of China with us. One of the biggest differences between China and Taiwan technology-wise is the prevalent use of electronic phone payment in China. Nearly every shop has joined the E-pay system, with very little need to carry cash and you can buy nearly everything from the web with quick delivery. In Taiwan our uptake of new technologies, especially related to banking, is still lagging behind. He is not used to bringing a wallet with him anymore.

He put a few very traditional dishes and one extra dish on his chosen menu. He liked the flavors and smell of these dishes, they remind him of Taiwan. He is a bit camera shy so we will just post some pictures of the food we prepared on the day. Overall we had a wonderful experience with our first mainlander.

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